What Are the Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma?

Many people believe there is no physical or mental effect of trauma that does not leave its print of some sort on the human body and mind. People are usually to relate trauma as an emotional thing, but it also has effects on the physical self we may not be able to notice at first. As the body releases the emotions related to a particular trauma, you will be able to undergo numerous eruptions of both, physical and emotional changes.

Being aware of these signs can assist you in the process of healing with more clarity and kindness. So, what are the signs your body is releasing trauma? Let’s explore.

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How Does the Body Store and Release Trauma?

Trauma is not something that one can forget, signs your body is releasing trauma and it gets imprinted in the nervous system, muscles, and intestines. Whenever one goes through an incident that is stressful or traumatic, the body is programmed to either fight, flee, or freeze. When it is not fully metabolized, the trauma gets stored in the body tissues.

However, the body reveals this stored shock in due course. Of course, some people get this through the practicing of certain therapies, meditations, movements, or untimely outbursts of emotions.

Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma and How to Manage Them

Sign of Trauma ReleaseDescriptionHow to Manage It
Body Shaking or TremblingInvoluntary movements as the nervous system resetsAllow it to happen, practice deep breathing
Emotional OutburstsSudden crying, anger, or mood swingsJournaling, talking to a trusted person
Muscle Tension & Body AchesSoreness in neck, shoulders, or backStretching, massage, gentle movement
Digestive IssuesBloating, nausea, stomach crampsEat light, drink warm fluids, rest
Unusual Dreams or NightmaresVivid or emotional dreams as trauma surfacesWrite them down, practice relaxation before bed
Fatigue or Extreme TirednessFeeling drained even after restPrioritize sleep, reduce stress levels
Surges of EnergyFeeling suddenly energized or restlessEngage in physical activity, deep breathing
Increased SensitivityOverreaction to sounds, lights, or smellsSpend time in calm, quiet spaces
Deep Sighing or YawningBody releasing tension through breathPractice mindfulness, controlled breathing
Feeling Lighter and FreeA sense of relief and emotional weight liftedEmbrace the change, continue self-care

Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma

signs your body is releasing trauma

Some people may be happy and do not relate to the healing process as a slow process as others do. signs your body is releasing trauma could be letting go in a certain way. Here are the most common signs your body is releasing trauma:

1. Unexplained Body Shaking or Trembling

It is important to note that shaking is one of the natural ways by which a body rids itself of tragedy. This is because, after high stress, animals shake to rebalance their nervous systems. People do this as well – especially in cases involving intense emotional healing.

2. Emotional Outbursts

Kanga hairstyles appear when there is a change of temporary attitudes or moods such as crying, anger, or even sadness. If one is oversensitive emotionally with no specific reason for it, one may be experiencing trauma discharge.

3. Muscle Tension and Body Aches

Can trauma cause physical symptoms? Yes! Additionally, when trauma is stored in the body it results in muscular rigidity; this is not efficiently managed. When you eventually let go, you may experience tenderness in body parts such as the neck, back, or shoulders.

4. Digestive Issues

There is no scientific evidence that your stomach is not linked to your emotions in some way. It sometimes causes healing crisis signs like vomiting, gurgling in the stomach, or stomach aches.

5. Unusual Dreams or Nightmares

Healing trauma can cause visualization in terms of dreams or flashbacks to occur. This implies that signs your body is releasing trauma it is one way through which your mind analyzes past occurrences when you are in a secure environment.

6. Fatigue or Extreme Tiredness

Processing trauma takes energy. When you are sorting these emotions within your body you tend to feel a bit more drained throughout the day or even the following day, and that is after the usual rest in the night.

7. Sudden Bursts of Energy

On the other hand, other people feel energy boosts since trauma is trapped in their bodies. This may generate a feeling of urgency to start moving, exercising, or showing creativity.

8. Increased Sensitivity to Stimuli

Hearing certain sounds, seeing certain flashes, or smelling certain odors may feel uncomfortable. These could be signs your body is releasing trauma as your nervous system re-equilibrates.

9. Deep Sighing or Yawning

When tension is emitted from the body, frequent deep sighs or yawning may occur. These could be signs your body is releasing trauma and stabilizing the nervous system.

10. Feeling Lighter and More Free

When trauma starts to dissipate, then you may be overwhelmed by feelings that in essence, your burden is off and you are liberated. This is a rather positive signal of healing.

Can Trauma Cause Physical Symptoms?

signs your body is releasing trauma

Yes! It was rational to suppose that trauma is mental solely but it has lots of physical implications. Unprocessed trauma can cause:

  • Chronic pain (especially in the back, neck, or joints)
  • Digestive issues
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Weakened immune system
  • Sleep disturbances

If for instance, you have been complaining of aches, pains and similar related issues without having an idea as to what might have led to this then this might be an indication of past traumas your body is yet to let go off.

How Does the Body Release Trauma?

To the extent that trauma can be described as a natural phenomenon in the body, there are several avenues that the body has of releasing it.

  • In Dance: Dancing or any physical exercise like yoga, stretching or shaking of the body organs can assist in releasing energy.
  • By crying: Tears are identified as part of the process of the natural body release of stress.
  • By Breathing: Slow and controlled breathing can relax the nervous system.
  • By sharing with others: It is only natural that through discussion of past incidents the mind and emotions sort through the experience.

The role of reflexes indicates that one can listen to the body hence allowing for natural reactions to occur which can be healing.

Signs My Body Is Releasing Trauma – What Should I Do?

signs your body is releasing trauma

If you see these signs your body is releasing trauma, there’s no need to scold yourself for being lazy and procrastinating. To be healed is also not a task that can be achieved overnight—let alone in a single setting. Here is an example of how one can assist the body in this process:

  • Take regular breaks – It is alright to be weary while going through traumas.
  • One needs to maintain – his/her intake of water because it assists in removing toxins from the body.
  • earthing – Walking on bare feet on the ground is possible or deep breathing exercise.
  • Seek a sympathetic person to talk to – Sometimes, when you vent out, it becomes easy to deal with a problem.
  • Free your emotions – Do not escape in anger or cry, it is acceptable for one to cry or to laugh.


What Does Trauma Release in the Body Feel Like?

Its can be overwhelming or not depending on the perspective of each individual. Some hear shaking or hear crying or feeling waves while other feel relief and peace.

What Are the Physical Signs of Unhealed Trauma?

The symptoms ranges from pain, stomach problems, head aches, lack of sleep, and recurrent anxiety.

How Do You Know If Your Body Is Storing Trauma?

If you always feel stressed or anxious or have the same phobia or agitation to certain stimuli, these could be signs your body is releasing trauma stored within.

How to Heal Trauma Stored in the Body?

One can only be cured by therapy, physiotherapy and movement, conscious breathing, and self-care. It is for this reason that the nature of healing that is preferred and sought after by every individual is different.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the signs your body is releasing trauma can help you embrace the healing process with patience and self-compassion. Trauma is somatized, but the feelings which caused the somatization can be accessed through catharsis.

If you are going through this here, it is for growth. It is important to emphasize restoring yourself and your body is constantly doing its best to achieve it and free your emotions. Stay with the flow, stay with the healing, and have faith in the recovery process.

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